Q! 2025: Token Generation Event: InfraX launches its native token $INFRA on the Ethereum chain, enabling prospective users the chance to participate in Token acquisition.
Q2-Q3 2025: Market Share Acquisition: Technology refinement and User-base experience become key focal points throughout Q2. InfraX aims to expand it's portfolio of active nodes by increasing user adoption through high-level marketing. Through this expansion InfraX is able to increase it's generated revenue, subsequently bolstering it's revenue share system, encouraging more users to participate in the acquisition of $INFRA. InfraX seeks to acquire market share by rewarding those who interact with it's platform, regardless of impact.
Q4-Q1 2026: Rapid Growth equates to Required Expansion: Through the efforts placed on market share acquisition in Q2 and Q3, Q4 provides the fruits of seamless innovation and aggressive marketing efforts. Expansion is necessary to drive accelerated growth metrics. During this process focus shifts towards forging collaborative project partnerships, meeting the needs of exchanges for subsequent listings, and increasing project reach, liquidity and overall market buoyancy.
Q2-Q3 2026: Maturity and Solidified Market Position: As InfraX enters the fourth and final stage of growth, high levels of maturity equal numerous operational advantages. These consist of highly predictable revenue streams, reduced costs, increased user-base equating to higher monthly revenue averages and reduced cash outflows. During this stage of maturity, InfraX becomes less growth orientated and adheres more to maintenance and continuity. Acquisitions, large partnerships and produce consistency will be actively explored during this stage of growth.
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